Time for a Boycott?

white concrete building near road during daytime
Photo by Frédéric Paulussen on Unsplash
July 1, 2022

There’s the screaming, fist-shaking, and tantrums out in front of SCOTUS. We expected that. There’s the soul-less politicians and their impassioned promises to restore what was lost. We expected that. There’s the Hollywood ranting how ashamed and saddened they are. We expected that. Here is what I did not expect. The number of businesses and […]

2047: A Letter Written Twenty-five Years from Now to My Great Grandchildren

love will end abortion sign
Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unplash
May 6, 2022

I am old now, soon to go the way of all men. God’s call is coming shortly. I am not long for this world. But I write with excitement and satisfaction. For tomorrow, the State of Washington’s Legislature is voting to outlaw abortion, to rid our state of its 75-year reprehensible behavior of killing children […]

Cannot Escape the Truth

sea, moon, night
Photo by yousafbhutta on Pixabay
April 22, 2022

Some more on abortion, for the carnage continues (62 million and counting since Roe v. Wade). The United States Supreme Court may soon curtail or even throw out the court’s most wicked ruling from years ago. Washington State is preparing for such and doing all it can to solidify itself as an abortion sanctuary. Yea […]

What Happened to Emily?

person holding baby feet
Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash
April 8, 2022

I did not want to write this blog. I have grown weary of the topic. But a copy of an editorial from Saturday’s The News Tribune has been next to my desktop all week. The way the op-ed printed from my electronic copy of the paper has a photo of the article’s author on the […]

A Word to our Governor

September 2, 2021

I have not hidden my animus for our state’s governor. Virtually every decision, every policy, and every signed law is a reminder that the man who lives in the governor’s mansion is a snake. If I needed any more confirmation (which I did not), it came down yesterday in his latest press release. For those […]

Fungus or Fetus?

September 30, 2015

The hubbub this week has been the discovery of water on Mars. What is interesting about the find is the pronouncement that followed: life may exist on our neighboring planet. But listen and read carefully what constitutes life. From the reports I am reading no one is saying this means there are little green men […]

Bury Them

August 20, 2015

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” (Thomas Edison). You must watch each video released by the “Center for Medical Progress.” They are not fun. You may not get through them. Nevertheless, you must go back to them until you do. Please do so. You must […]

Evil is Ugly

July 16, 2015

If you haven’t seen the Planned Parenthood video yet, you need to. It’s embedded below. It’s the video that came out this week where one of their national directors unwittingly on camera admits to their practice of selling aborted baby parts (head, heart, lungs, liver, etc.). They’ve been a “chop shop” for years. We knew […]

Abortion Madness

January 29, 2015

On January 22nd, our nation commemorated the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It is one of the darker days on our nation’s calendar—perhaps the darkest. Those who proudly call themselves “Pro Choice” celebrate a decision that has taken the life of well over 50 million babies since that fateful day in 1973. Over 1 […]

Voting for Slaughter

January 30, 2014

Last week was the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Large numbers can make us squint but here’s the tally: 57 million babies slaughtered since 1974. That’s about 3,200 lives every day in our nation since some black robes in D.C. said it’s OK to ignore the Sixth Commandment. Perhaps you don’t like the word […]