Local & US Outreach

single locomotive on tract at daytime
Photo by Thomas Thompson on Unsplash

In the Tacoma/Pierce County area, we sponsor and participate in:

Sacred Road Ministries


Sacred Road Ministries has been established on the Yakama Reservation by the Pacific Northwest Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America to establish a dynamic, healthy church in the remote town of White Swan, WA. The Sacred Road team reaches out to the community through: children’s ministry, youth ministry; a variety of acts of service and mercy; adult Bible study (Hope Fellowship); recruiting, hosting and organizing one week service teams, etc.

Bridges of Love


Bridges of Love is a mercy ministry enabling more than 180 churches of many different denominations to join hands and provide effective help for individuals and families in need within Pierce County.



Care Net (formally Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Pierce County) has five locations in Pierce County that offer free and confidential support to anyone who finds themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, hurting from a previous abortion, needing parenting support or in need of sexual and relational guidance.

Youth For Christ


Youth for Christ (YFC) works together with the local church and other like minded partners to reaches young people through four specific areas of ministry: City Life, Parent Life, Juvenile Justice Ministry, and Campus Life.

Olive Crest


Here in Washington, there are over 10,000 children in the child welfare system. Every one of these kids needs a strong family to protect and nurture them. Olive Crest is a ministry that gives them hope for a bright future. They do this within the care of a strong and stable family, whether through short term foster parents, or foster parents looking to adopt.

Tacoma Rescue Mission


The Tacoma Rescue Mission serves Tacoma and Pierce County since 1912. Since 1912 they have continued to serve in the name of Christ, while emphasizing the dignity of each person who enters our doors. They met the needs of those who come to them for help and provide emergency services such as shelter and food to the homeless or hurting; offer self-sufficiency programs to help lift a person from poverty and break the chains of addictions; support prevention programs and share our Christian faith.