A Welcome from Pastor Rich Hamlin
Thank you so much for visiting our website. We believe you will find all kinds of information that will help you discern who we are and what is important to us. It is our hope you will find a people humbled and in awe of God’s plan of redemption accomplished for us by Christ. We hope you find a people still amazed every day that the Lord would save a “sinner such as I.” It is because of this that we are people passionate about worshiping our Lord. We realize our whole life is lived before His presence and is, therefore, an expression of worship. But Sunday morning worship is our favorite time; as we, God’s called-out people, have the privilege, honor, and responsibility of worshiping Him in a pleasing and acceptable manner. Our “Order of Worship” seeks to be God-honoring with His Word constantly before us throughout the service.
We encourage you to visit the page, Our History; it is descriptive of who we are. In addition, we want you to know we really believe a phrase you will hear often around here: “By grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone.” That truly is descriptive of our relationship with God. You are most welcome here. We look forward to seeing you.” God Bless,
Pastor Rich Hamlin

What to Know Before Worship
Welcome. We are glad you have chosen to worship with us this morning. We consider it a great privilege to worship God. We do so with a carefully crafted “Order of Worship” where God speaks (through His Word) and we respond. You are about to engage in a back-and-forth dialogue with your Creator. At the core will be the proclamation of the Gospel; the unbelievable yet true declaration that all who by faith are in Jesus are saved, forgiven, and one day will live forever in God’s presence. It is why we enter this sanctuary each Lord’s Day with anticipation and excitement. God is about to move and work upon us all.
Here are a few things we would like you to know:
- Worship is at 10 am each Sunday. Sunday School is at 9 am (September through May). You can learn more on our Worship Services page.
- We worship as families. There is no “Children’s Church” offered. We want our children learning to worship at an early age. That said, mindful of others and wanting to provide a reverent environment, we offer a nursery for children birth to age 3. We also provide a “Worship Training Room”. There, you will find a video of our service and the opportunity to worship and encourage your children to do the same. Ask, and we will kindly direct you to these. We also have a “Children’s Worship Guide” for younger and older children on the Information Table.
- During our “Confession of Sin”, you are invited to remain in your pew or kneel if you like.
- At the conclusion of the “Pastoral Prayer”, we pray the Lord’s Prayer together. That prayer follows: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
- We celebrate the “Lord’s Supper” each Sunday. There will be four stations offering Bread and Wine (white grape juice also offered). Lines form in the aisles. Please go from Bread to Wine. Families are encouraged to stay together.
- At the conclusion of the Benediction, we enjoy a time of fellowship in our Fellowship Hall. Coffee and treats are provided. We would love to visit.
Thank you for being with us this morning. May God be pleased with our worship.