The Witnesses

A number of years ago, I began writing what I hoped one day would be a children’s book. It was penciled out to be 26 chapters (letters, actually) entitled If They Could Talk. It was to cover redemptive history from creation (Genesis) to the return of Christ (Revelation) from the perspective of animals commenting and reflecting as eye witnesses at key moments in biblical history.

This week I am going to give you a chance to catch up with me—in case you have missed a letter or two. Or maybe you would like to read them again? Just click on the title to go to the letter of the witness. The dates are when I published the letter. Lord willing, I’ll be back next week with another witness to God’s redemptive history.

A Sheep’s Surprise (December 15, 2011), the angelic messenger proclaims to the shepherds the birth of Jesus in Luke 2.

A Donkey’s Tale (December 22, 2011), the story of Jesus’ birth on Christmas morn in as recorded in Luke 2.

The Eye of the Sparrow (February 28, 2013), his is the story of man’s creation from Genesis 1 and 2.

A Rabbit Remembers (March 7, 2013), this is the story of the Fall from Genesis 3

A Dove Story (March 14, 2013), this is the story of the Flood from Genesis 6-9.

A Camel’s Comments (March 21, 2013), this is the story of Abraham as found in Genesis 12-17.

A Boar’s Witness (March 28, 2013), this is the story of Isaac as found in Genesis 22.

A Ram’s Report (April 11, 2013), this is the story of Jacob as found in Genesis 25-28.

The Tale of a Rat (April 18, 2013), this is the story of Joseph as found in Genesis 37-50.

Journal of a Jackal (April 25, 2013), this is the story of Moses as found in Exodus 1-40.

A Raven Writes (May 2, 2013), this is the story of Joshua as found in Joshua 1-6.

A Gaggling Goose (May 8, 2013), this is the story of Samson as found in Judges 13-16.

Bulletin from a Bull (May 16, 2013), this is the story of Saul as found in 1 Samuel 8-13.

Pastor Rich Hamlin
May 24, 2013

Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025