The following is chapter 11 in the children’s series, If They Could Talk, the story of our redemption as it unfolds from Genesis to Revelation. This is the story of Saul as found in 1 Samuel 8-13.
My Friends,
You wanted a king. That’s what you got. It was a mistake. I call it as I see it. I’m not apologizing for that; just wanted to let you know.
As a bull, your history with your God is quite familiar to me. My kind has been a go-between for centuries; an appeaser between our Holy God and you humans. Much of our blood has been poured out for you. Don’t misunderstand; I am not angry about that; nor am I complaining. Quite the contrary, we bovines have always been proud of our sacrificial role. But this is not why I write.
Judges gave way to prophets. The Creator God spoke through these men; Samuel was one of them.
Your kind wanted what the other nations had; a king. You wanted to be like everybody else, but you’re not everybody else. God was your King. Why would you want a man on the throne? That has been your problem since the Garden.
God consented and told Prophet Samuel to anoint a king. Saul was that man. He was tall and strong; he looked the part. But what was inside his heart? We animals wondered.
Samuel explained the rules of the new monarchy. If you and your king would follow God, you would be blessed. If you did not, God’s hand would be against you. The Creator God never wavered on His expectation; His terms had not changed through the centuries.
Challenge came early from pagan swords and shields. King Saul prayerfully assembled Israel’s armies and beat back the armed foe. Saul heard the people’s cheer and acclaim. But how long would Saul hear God’s?
More forces assembled against the new nation and fledgling king. They were the Philistines. This mortal enemy swallowed up the land; growing stronger and hungrier as days passed. Military minds said Israel must fight; soon it would be too late. Saul’s army grew fearful, and soldiers began to desert; the Philistine line grew strong.
But Saul knew he must wait; only the Prophet Samuel could offer the blessing and petition God. It is times such as these that reveal the heart of men. Saul showed his.
He chose not to wait. Saul made the offering to God himself. He took matters into his own hands. But the king was no prophet or priest; by doing so he dishonored his calling and disobeyed his God.
“You foolish man,” cried the returning prophet. “You took matters into your own hands. You made light of the Lord’s decree. You and your seed would have reigned forever, but now the kingdom shall be taken from you and given to another. It shall be given to a man after God’s own heart.”
Given to a man after God’s own heart? What a man this will be! What role will he have in God’s plan for you humans? He must play a very important one.
Blessings to you,
The Bull