An Open Letter to Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson

August 26, 2022

Dear Bob, You’ve been confusing me for years. So much so, I went to the State of Washington’s website to see what your job description is supposed to be. I say “supposed to be” because I was suspect whether you are following it. And my hunch was correct. You aren’t. Here is what our state […]

Time for a Boycott?

July 1, 2022

There’s the screaming, fist-shaking, and tantrums out in front of SCOTUS. We expected that. There’s the soul-less politicians and their impassioned promises to restore what was lost. We expected that. There’s the Hollywood ranting how ashamed and saddened they are. We expected that. Here is what I did not expect. The number of businesses and […]

Our Spiraling Descent

May 20, 2022

The 19th century Russian novelist, essayist, and journalist Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a devout Orthodox Christian. He was known for his suspenseful plots where his characters often wrestled with questions of faith, suffering, and evil. Recognized as one of the world’s greatest authors, ashamedly I admit I have not read him. But I did come across […]

What Happened to Emily?

April 8, 2022

I did not want to write this blog. I have grown weary of the topic. But a copy of an editorial from Saturday’s The News Tribune has been next to my desktop all week. The way the op-ed printed from my electronic copy of the paper has a photo of the article’s author on the […]

Resign Now

March 18, 2022

Every pastor and elder who voted for President Joe Biden must resign. And they must do so now. Because of Biden’s glaring and obvious incapacity? No. Because of Biden’s ridiculous progressive political views? No. Because of his implausible green agenda? No. Well, the more I think about it, yes. But that’s for another blog. Every […]

A Word to our Governor

September 2, 2021

I have not hidden my animus for our state’s governor. Virtually every decision, every policy, and every signed law is a reminder that the man who lives in the governor’s mansion is a snake. If I needed any more confirmation (which I did not), it came down yesterday in his latest press release. For those […]

Evangelical Reformed Church’s Statement on Mandatory Medical Procedures

August 26, 2021

Standing on our ancient Christian beliefs, committed to our doctrinal standards stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and declared in our Statement of Faith which espouse the supremacy of the Holy Scriptures; Evangelical Reformed Church affirms our religion’s principles of liberty of conscience, our honoring and preserving of human life from conception to natural […]

More About That Religious Exemption

August 19, 2021

The “Vax Net” is getting larger. Healthcare providers, government employees and contractors, soldiers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, airline employees, teachers, coaches, and more are on the growing list. More will be added. I promise. I have seen this movie before. Hubris knows no bounds. O, and about coaches, the net has caught me. If you […]

About That Religious Exemption

August 12, 2021

On April 25, 2020, six weeks into ceasing Sunday morning worship at the directive of our governor, I preached a sermon entitled, “Who Says We Can’t Meet During the Virus?” It was an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. In it we spoke of “sphere sovereignty,” the teaching from Scripture that God has ordained three major “governments”—the […]

Whose Disciple?

December 17, 2020

We breathe culture. We do because society’s norms are all around us. Culture codifies acceptable conduct. And therein lies the problem. Culture is dictated by what man thinks. Therefore, we must be careful. The question becomes, “Are we breathing in man’s wisdom and norms, shaping how we act and think, which often runs counter to […]

Bury Them

August 20, 2015

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” (Thomas Edison). You must watch each video released by the “Center for Medical Progress.” They are not fun. You may not get through them. Nevertheless, you must go back to them until you do. Please do so. You must […]

Voting for Slaughter

January 30, 2014

Last week was the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Large numbers can make us squint but here’s the tally: 57 million babies slaughtered since 1974. That’s about 3,200 lives every day in our nation since some black robes in D.C. said it’s OK to ignore the Sixth Commandment. Perhaps you don’t like the word […]