Voting for Slaughter

January 30, 2014

Last week was the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Large numbers can make us squint but here’s the tally: 57 million babies slaughtered since 1974. That’s about 3,200 lives every day in our nation since some black robes in D.C. said it’s OK to ignore the Sixth Commandment. Perhaps you don’t like the word […]

An Abominable Anniversary

January 24, 2013

Tuesday was the 40th anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade which declared abortion to be a Constitutional right. Since that tragic and immoral ruling, 55 million babies have been killed in our nation—which amounts to about one-sixth of our current population. Eyes gloss over when numbers get real big, so […]

We Can’t Tolerate this Anymore

December 20, 2012

“We can’t tolerate this anymore,” said the president. He then added, “These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change.” That sounds good to me. He went on to say that our nation was failing at “our first task” and that “if we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right.” The […]

Obesity Worse than Murder?

September 27, 2012

Did you know obesity is more morally reprehensible than murder? It is in New York City. Two weeks ago, with the push from their mayor, the New York City Health Department banned the sale of sugared beverages (soda) larger than 16 oz. at restaurants, sporting events, and movie theaters. The mayor says they need the […]

Put Him to Death

August 30, 2012

Lots of things are clamoring for our attention these days. The political season is in full-swing, a hurricane is causing havoc in the South, and trumping those two for many is the start of the football season this weekend. In the midst of life here, perhaps you missed the news last week that Anders Behring […]

No Choice

August 2, 2012

Two weeks ago, our health insurance provider informed our family of some “enhanced benefits” under our plan. They explained: “Under the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare], your policy will now include coverage for the preventive care services described in the enclosed document at 100%. You will not have to pay a copayment, coinsurance or deductable for […]

Abort but Don’t Spank

July 26, 2012

This month the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) approved a resolution calling for “an end to the practice of corporal punishment in homes, schools and child care facilities.”  At that same meeting, the PCUSA affirmed and expanded its support of abortion. In 1992, the denomination said abortion can be “morally acceptable”. This month […]

Do You Know?

October 27, 2011

Do you know that you gave $1 to an abortionist this year? And without your consent, that dollar was used to kill a baby. How so? Planned Parenthood received $363 million dollars this past year of taxpayer funding. We are a nation of 312 million people. Do the math and each of us actually gave […]

Free Kill Pill

August 4, 2011

The Obama Administration announced this week that the nation’s health insurers have to start covering birth control as part of women’s preventative care. What that means, among other things, is no more co-pays for contraception. I didn’t know pregnancy was a disease. That’s how it’s being treated, however. Contraception is preventative healthcare for this crowd; […]

I’m a One Issue Voter

March 31, 2011

We’re told it’s unwise to be a one-issue voter. We are told it’s naïve to jettison a candidate who fails our particular litmus test; that we’re losing sight of the big picture when we do. There is an issue, however, that trumps all other political issues and says a lot about a candidate. That issue […]

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024