It’s not hard to hurl rocks at culture right now. They have given us lots of targets. The latest being the Supreme Court ruling redefining marriage. Just as elections have consequences (Obama’s two Supreme Court appointees that pushed the court further left), worldviews also have consequences. We are watching a culture in freefall because its worldview doesn’t recognize God. We are watching what happens when man thinks he’s God.
George Orwell is an easy quote these days. He, the 20th century social critic and author of 1984 and Animal Farm, said as he looked to the future, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Though history is full of periods where the phrase “time of deceit” fits, it certainly is an apt description today. The source of truth is denied: “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever” (Psalm 119:160). Despite five black robes in Washington thinking their majority opinion triumphant and dignifying to same-sex couples, the final arbiter is always God and His Word.
Believing the Bible isn’t an act of treason, we’re still a ways from that, but we who proclaim it and believe it certainly reside outside cultural norms. Accusations of “hate speech” are already being hurled at the church for holding biblical standards of human sexuality. It appears to be only a matter of time before the church standing faithfully will be the church under assault.
How should we respond to all this? Though some may advocate for an Amish-like response (insulate, alienate, and pullback), I prefer embroidering Jesus’ promise “the gates of hell shall not prevail” on our banners, flags and armor and charge.
Their worldview cannot stand. History is a graveyard of failed men, nations, and ideas that refused to bend the knee to God. Whereas the church (sometimes no larger than a remnant); continues to march forward through the centuries. We cannot lose because Jesus already won.
Therefore, it becomes an issue of engagement. Light is best seen in darkness. Truth contrasts well with error. Love differentiates itself from hate. Humility is more appealing than pride.
And if we need more encouragement, Jesus crushes Satan’s head. The Groom will protect His Bride.
So lift up your head, Christian. Show the world the Bible is true. Proclaim the gospel to a dying culture. Hold up Jesus as the only Savior of man. Show them beautiful marriages of loving husbands and honoring wives. Raise boys who know they are boys and raise girls who know they are girls.
Orwell didn’t think things would end real well down here, saying “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a face—forever.” Orwell may have gotten many things right but that’s not how it ends. The boot to the face is reserved for Satan.
Pastor Rich Hamlin
July 2, 2015