Considering Joel

“Have you considered my servant Joel?”

“You mean Job? We had that conversation a long time ago, God. You even put that encounter in your Book—all 42 chapters worth.” Satan continued, “Besides, I don’t need to consider him anymore. He’s long dead.”

“No, I said Joel. He’s my servant, too.”

“I know who he is. He’s the pastor’s kid in Tacoma, and graduating this year, I believe. What about him?”

“You accused me of blessing Job with great abundance and then putting a hedge of protection around him where he couldn’t be touched. You said Job feared me because it was easy to do so given the fact I had given him so much.”

“That’s true. And when you let me strip him of those blessings he had his pity party. Though he didn’t curse you the way I thought he would I sure shook his faith. I love it when your children put on sackcloth and throw ashes over their heads.”

“What’s your response to Joel, then? How do you explain his faith, trust, and joy? You’ve convinced many that it’s all about talent, appearance, and possessions. The world values these temporary things. A pecking order has been established. There are haves and have-nots—winners and losers. This plays well in a fallen world. The winners are often arrogant and look down upon life’s supposed losers; the losers in your system often become jealous and bitter of those considered better.”

“Exactly. Subtle, deviant, and delicious, don’t you think, God? So why are you bringing up Joel? No one else does.”

“That’s why I’m bringing him up. I love all my children but there is a special place in my heart for the unnoticed, the ones watching the world’s acclaim going to others. Honor cords and blue ribbons pass them by; party invitations and seats of honor go to others.”

Satan chimed in some more, “That’s right God. And you’re the one responsible. You created the disparity.”

“In one way you are correct. I created all, but bestowing different gifts and abilities on each. Nevertheless, you are also wrong. Where I see the beauty of individuality and variety in my creation; you’re the one that lies, abuses, and exploits in hopes that my differences lead to division and despair.”

“And even you would have to say I’m doing a good job of it.”

“No. Not always. That’s why I asked at the beginning, ‘Have you considered my servant Joel?’ He may be watching a lot of the parade pass him by, the applause going elsewhere. But he’s okay; for inside him there is faith, trust, and joy.”

“So what, God. What kind of life is that?”

“It’s the best kind. It’s one that puts a smile on my face. And one day Joel’s going to see that smile. And there’s nothing more important than that.”

Pastor Rich Hamlin (a proud father of Joel)

May 14, 2015


  1. I love what you said about Joel. His heart and love for Christ makes me smile.
    I thank God everyday for such special people that make us smile.

Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025