I feel compelled to write this blog. I should not have to. But I must. I do not believe our congregation needs to be exhorted concerning the matter. But there are others out there poised to vote for this woman. And if you are a follower of Jesus, you cannot. “Stay in your lane, pastor” […]
One-hundred years ago, G.K. Chesterton quipped, “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it” (Everlasting Man). There is too much floating these days. The cultural stream is running fast. In fact, it is no longer a stream. It is a raging river. How can we fight […]
“When sin grows ripe, and abounds in a land or nation, at such a time as this a man may know there is some fearful judgment approaching. But when is sin ripe?” Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes asked the question 400 years ago. Many have asked it since. Every generation has cause to do so. A […]
C.S. Lewis is ageless. He died 60 years ago but you would never know it by reading him. I was reminded of that this past weekend at our “Slaying Leviathan” Conference. Dr. Glenn Sunshine’s book gave us the name for our Friday and Saturday gathering as well as the theme for the weekend: “Leviathan is […]
Some of you know the story. If I may, all of you should. It’s the pilgrimage of Christian and his good friend, Faithful, as they travel the King’s Highway on their way to the Celestial City. It’s Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress” I’m referring to. Toward the end of their journey, the Highway took them through […]
Dear Bob, You’ve been confusing me for years. So much so, I went to the State of Washington’s website to see what your job description is supposed to be. I say “supposed to be” because I was suspect whether you are following it. And my hunch was correct. You aren’t. Here is what our state […]
Man gave up. He gave up in the Garden and he has given up ever since. God was simple and straightforward with Adam. Take care of Eden. Eat of every tree. But stay away from the one called the “knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17). Call it a test. When confronted with the Creator’s […]
There’s the screaming, fist-shaking, and tantrums out in front of SCOTUS. We expected that. There’s the soul-less politicians and their impassioned promises to restore what was lost. We expected that. There’s the Hollywood ranting how ashamed and saddened they are. We expected that. Here is what I did not expect. The number of businesses and […]
The 19th century Russian novelist, essayist, and journalist Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a devout Orthodox Christian. He was known for his suspenseful plots where his characters often wrestled with questions of faith, suffering, and evil. Recognized as one of the world’s greatest authors, ashamedly I admit I have not read him. But I did come across […]
I am old now, soon to go the way of all men. God’s call is coming shortly. I am not long for this world. But I write with excitement and satisfaction. For tomorrow, the State of Washington’s Legislature is voting to outlaw abortion, to rid our state of its 75-year reprehensible behavior of killing children […]
Some more on abortion, for the carnage continues (62 million and counting since Roe v. Wade). The United States Supreme Court may soon curtail or even throw out the court’s most wicked ruling from years ago. Washington State is preparing for such and doing all it can to solidify itself as an abortion sanctuary. Yea […]
I did not want to write this blog. I have grown weary of the topic. But a copy of an editorial from Saturday’s The News Tribune has been next to my desktop all week. The way the op-ed printed from my electronic copy of the paper has a photo of the article’s author on the […]
Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025