Daring God

March 17, 2023

“When sin grows ripe, and abounds in a land or nation, at such a time as this a man may know there is some fearful judgment approaching. But when is sin ripe?” Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes asked the question 400 years ago. Many have asked it since. Every generation has cause to do so. A […]

Rocks, Rapids, and Waterfalls

October 14, 2022

Who likes crisis? I have met a few through the years. But not many. I suspect most would choose a lazy river to a raging current. Blue sky and 75 degrees, feet dangling from an innertube, floating down a peaceful river sounds good. Being on a river with rocks, rapids, and an occasional water fall, […]

An Open Letter to Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson

August 26, 2022

Dear Bob, You’ve been confusing me for years. So much so, I went to the State of Washington’s website to see what your job description is supposed to be. I say “supposed to be” because I was suspect whether you are following it. And my hunch was correct. You aren’t. Here is what our state […]

Never Give Up

August 12, 2022

Man gave up. He gave up in the Garden and he has given up ever since. God was simple and straightforward with Adam. Take care of Eden. Eat of every tree. But stay away from the one called the “knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17). Call it a test. When confronted with the Creator’s […]

Three Little Pigs and a Wolf

August 5, 2022

Three little pigs went out to build their life. The first little pig would do what made him happy. He had heard since his days as a piglet that life was about him. There wasn’t much planning, not a lot of foresight either. Just get up in the morning and follow his dream. And he […]

Cannot Escape the Truth

April 22, 2022

Some more on abortion, for the carnage continues (62 million and counting since Roe v. Wade). The United States Supreme Court may soon curtail or even throw out the court’s most wicked ruling from years ago. Washington State is preparing for such and doing all it can to solidify itself as an abortion sanctuary. Yea […]

If Rip Woke Up Today

March 25, 2022

Washington Irving published his fanciful tale, Rip Van Winkle in 1819. The story is set in late 18th century America. Rip was squirrel hunting in the Catskill Mountains, dulled by drink he lays down for a nap. Deep sleep doesn’t explain the half of it. He wakes up 20 years later thinking it was the […]

Resign Now

March 18, 2022

Every pastor and elder who voted for President Joe Biden must resign. And they must do so now. Because of Biden’s glaring and obvious incapacity? No. Because of Biden’s ridiculous progressive political views? No. Because of his implausible green agenda? No. Well, the more I think about it, yes. But that’s for another blog. Every […]

We’d Choose the Sunny Side

February 18, 2022

Samuel Rutherford would have been a great pen pal. The 17th century Scottish pastor did his best work, like John Bunyan, with pen in hand while imprisoned for the gospel. His opponents tried to silence him. What they ended up doing was extending his ministry reach centuries through his letters. Spurgeon gave them the highest […]

Mr. Big Man’s Demise

February 4, 2022

Mr. Big Man lived in his Bubble. A better term would be Iron Dome. Nothing penetrated his world. Secure in his worldview, Mr. Big Man and a few cronies were well past thinking themselves the smartest in the room. They believed themselves the smartest ever. No, really. They did. Ever. So, Mr. Big Man declared […]

Have Some Kids

January 28, 2022

I was boning up on my C.R. Wiley this week, taking off the shelf my copy of “The Household and the War for the Cosmos,” given that he will be our guest speaker a week from this Saturday at our Men’s Breakfast. I was reminded of a quote from the book I found particularly insightful: […]

The Shadow

January 14, 2022

The Shadow was growing. Darkness was on the move; light seemed to be in retreat. A nervous fear gripped many. Some hid while others didn’t want to talk about it. But there were some that wanted to know what to do. But formerly trusted voices were silent. A few of those voices spoke out but […]