Resign Now

March 18, 2022

Every pastor and elder who voted for President Joe Biden must resign. And they must do so now. Because of Biden’s glaring and obvious incapacity? No. Because of Biden’s ridiculous progressive political views? No. Because of his implausible green agenda? No. Well, the more I think about it, yes. But that’s for another blog. Every […]

A Primer for Non-Christians

September 9, 2021

We Christians can be a strange and frustrating bunch. We claim Jesus as Lord and Savior and often don’t live like it. We know that. We are not proud of it. There is no excuse for it. We find ourselves regularly confessing our failings to God. We probably should confess more to you, as well, […]

About That Religious Exemption

August 12, 2021

On April 25, 2020, six weeks into ceasing Sunday morning worship at the directive of our governor, I preached a sermon entitled, “Who Says We Can’t Meet During the Virus?” It was an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. In it we spoke of “sphere sovereignty,” the teaching from Scripture that God has ordained three major “governments”—the […]

But What If…?

June 17, 2021

Time for a thought experiment. And I am serious about it. I want you to consider a “what if?” A little over a year ago, we reopened our church doors. We were told to keep them shut. But ten weeks of that was enough. God was to be worshiped, not from a couch but from […]

Capacity Crowd

March 25, 2021

Let me provide some visuals. The latest Apple phone has just come out. Lines are out the door and around the block, hundreds of would-be customers hoping to get to the front before the last one is sold. The Seahawks are in the play-offs. Season ticket holders have gobbled up most of the seats but […]

Your Fam Just Got Bigger

March 11, 2021

The dinner table never had been so full, chairs wrapped all the way around. Hungry mouths gathered to be filled. The laundry room was busier than ever. Would the old washer be able to keep up? And then there was the bathroom. It always seemed to be in use. The winy question from the hall, […]

An Open Home

February 4, 2021

Some cringe at the thought of opening up their home. Visions of cleaning up the strewed messes, making sure the toilet bowl sparkles, and fearing guests will see the couch stain has barred visitors from crossing your threshold for years. Plus, you do not have an open-concept home and there is no shiplap anywhere. How […]

A Remarkable Journey

December 30, 2020

Evangelical Reformed Church was founded 24 years ago. Ours was an unusual birth. There were no other church or churches involved, just five families who believed it was what the Lord would have us do. With not much more than our faith, we rented a church building, and opened up our doors to 58 people […]

The Wilderness and the Outpost

December 3, 2020

The Wilderness was beautiful. It was open, it was wild, it was free. It was full of opportunity and promise. But the Wilderness was also dangerous. Many did not see it that way, though. Maybe this was because it was so enchanting and captivating. There also was a misguided thought one could live there as […]

Where Have You Been Drinking?

September 10, 2020

God’s prophets had a tough gig. They were to speak on behalf of God to his people. At first glance, what was so difficult about that? Wouldn’t people want to hear from God? You’d think the guy with a direct connection to the Creator and Sustainer of the world would be revered. The writer of […]

God or Caesar?

March 31, 2016

Most of us haven’t had to choose between God and Caesar—at least not yet. Times are changing like the seasons, however. Secularism is on the march. If religious freedom was an apple, government has been taking quite a few bites from it lately. Case in point, Georgia. The state legislature passed a bill this week […]

Growing Pains

April 9, 2015

The family was small. Mom and dad had two kids and it didn’t look like the sedan would be traded in for a minivan anytime soon. Mom and dad loved their two kids. They never missed a recital or a ballgame. Being together was a priority; so was supporting one another. The home was as […]

Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025