A Costly Worship Mistake – Some Choruses, a Pep-talk, and an Offering, part 3 of 20

October 21, 2010

There is another guy with a funny name in our Bibles who paid dearly for his “worship mistake”. His name was Uzzah. King David was excited about moving the ark of God (2 Samuel 6:2) to Jerusalem. Sounded like a good idea; it was the embodiment of the presence of God. Thirty-thousand soldiers and the […]

We Should Know Better – Some Choruses, a Pep-talk, and an Offering, part 2 of 20

October 14, 2010

Can we go back to Nadab and Abihu for a minute (see previous article)? What is it they did that cost them their life? They offered “unauthorized fire” (Leviticus 10:1). One commentator said he thought that meant they were drunk. Not sure how you arrive at that one, though. What we do know is that […]

Inadequate Worship – Some Choruses, a Pep-talk, and an Offering, part 1 of 20

October 8, 2010

Therein describes the majority of Sunday morning (O, and now Saturday night) evangelical worship services. Is that a bad “order of worship”? I don’t know but it certainly is inadequate. We can do much better than what passes as typical worship today. Isn’t our life regulated by Scripture? It is. Certainly the worship of God […]

7 Wonders Creation Museum

October 6, 2010

On September 18, many from the church enjoyed a trip to the Mount St. Helens 7 Wonders Creation Museum. We were treated to a 45 minute presentation on the events of May 18, 1980, when beautiful Mount St. Helens erupted. This event has provided wonderful support for creation science and the biblical record of the […]

Thought You Should Know This, Too

September 30, 2010

Just prior to our arrival in Kenya (see two previous articles), there had been a national election. National elections and post-election violence often go together in Kenya. So when there was little violence accompanying this one, Kenyans were happy. But there was a large segment of the population that was not happy with the results. […]

Some Thoughts After Kenya

September 24, 2010

It’s been three weeks since my return to the States; having been in Kenya the last half of August. I had been invited to teach at a pastor’s conference in the northwest part of Kenya. About fifty pastors from mostly rural Kenya attended. The conference theme was: “On Being a Pastor”. What a joy it […]

Pastor Rich Goes to Kenya

September 15, 2010

A local pastor friend of mine, Michael Sandburg, invited me to join him on a short-term mission trip to Kenya. Pastor Mike has been going the past four years through the ministry of Agape Project International (API) to train local pastors and provide humanitarian relief in the name of Christ. I went to teach at […]

Historical Highlights 1600AD-1700AD

July 17, 2010

1600: Confessional “box” becomes common in Roman churches 1605: Christmas trees are first mentioned (Strasburg) 1607: John Smith founds first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia 1609: Anglican preacher turned Separatist, John Smyth baptizes the first “Baptists,” they were influenced by the Anabaptist movement 1611: Publication of the King James Bible (Authorized Version), prepared by 54 […]

Historical Highlights 1700AD-1800AD

1700: By this time, Latin is used only in academic settings and in Roman Catholic documents and liturgy; Reformed churches use vernacular liturgy 1701: Yale is founded by conservative Congregationalists (Cotton Mather) 1703: John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards are born 1707: Charles Wesley born; Isaac Watts publishes Hymns and Spiritual Songs, included in it are […]

Historical Highlights 1800AD-1899AD

1801: Second Great Awakening begins at Cane Ridge Revival 1804: Barton Stone and several of his followers break all denominational ties and begin calling themselves merely “Christian—beginning of the “Restoration Movement” 1807: British Parliament votes to abolish slave trade due in large part to William Wilberforce 1809: Restoration Movement (Primitivism)—it takes a prominent place in […]

Historical Highlights 1900AD-2000AD

1901: Pentecostal movement emerges, largely an offspring of the Holiness Movement, focuses on “Spirit baptism” (post-conversion) and speaking in tongues 1906: William Seymour leads the Azusa Street Revival, early instants of Pentecostalism 1909: Scofield Reference Bible, a KJV bible with dispensational interpretation notes 1910: The Fundamentals are published, 12 volume series, mostly apologetic in nature […]