Pastor Rich Goes to Kenya

A local pastor friend of mine, Michael Sandburg, invited me to join him on a short-term mission trip to Kenya. Pastor Mike has been going the past four years through the ministry of Agape Project International (API) to train local pastors and provide humanitarian relief in the name of Christ. I went to teach at their Pastor’s Conference under the theme of “On Being a Pastor.” Our  daughter Claire, age 16, was able to go with me and be a part of a medical team. Our church sent me with an offering of $1,300.00 dollars to purchase Bibles for some of  the local Kenyan pastors; something that is dearly needed in many of their impoverished churches. In Nairobi we were able to purchase 85 hard-bound English Bibles and 85 hard-bound Swahili Bibles. Pictured are three of the pastors who received these Bibles. Their smiles reveal their appreciation.

Pastor Rich Hamlin

September 15, 2010

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024