We Didn’t Have a Choice

March 15, 2012

I was so excited to get my first check, after all, I didn’t even own a bed. Rent was $525. When you divide that by the other five (all of us buddies who had just graduated from Pacific Lutheran University) each share was just $87.50 per month. But when you were just starting out, every […]

Something is Relative

September 16, 2011

The Census Bureau just came out with its 2010 poverty report. The numbers spiked. Just over 15% of Americans are now considered “poor.” That’s 46.2 million people. But if you dig a little you soon discover America’s poor aren’t like the world’s poor. The typical household considered “poor” in America has a car, air conditioning, […]

From Kenya with Love

September 2, 2011

I just got back from two weeks in Kenya. The focal point of the trip was to train a gathering of mostly rural pastors. Most of their churches have dirt floors, mud walls, and thatched roofs. The nicer houses of God have sheet metal to keep out the rain and an outhouse in the back. […]

Thought You Should Know This, Too

September 30, 2010

Just prior to our arrival in Kenya (see two previous articles), there had been a national election. National elections and post-election violence often go together in Kenya. So when there was little violence accompanying this one, Kenyans were happy. But there was a large segment of the population that was not happy with the results. […]

Some Thoughts After Kenya

September 24, 2010

It’s been three weeks since my return to the States; having been in Kenya the last half of August. I had been invited to teach at a pastor’s conference in the northwest part of Kenya. About fifty pastors from mostly rural Kenya attended. The conference theme was: “On Being a Pastor”. What a joy it […]

Pastor Rich Goes to Kenya

September 15, 2010

A local pastor friend of mine, Michael Sandburg, invited me to join him on a short-term mission trip to Kenya. Pastor Mike has been going the past four years through the ministry of Agape Project International (API) to train local pastors and provide humanitarian relief in the name of Christ. I went to teach at […]