Series: Exposition on Acts
September 9, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Cornelius A. Devout and God-fearing B. Two… read more
September 2, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Aeneas and Tabitha A. A miracle in… read more
August 26, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. The Transformation of Saul A. Helpful info… read more
August 19, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Paul’s Conversion A. Why so many verses?… read more
August 12, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Philip and the Ethiopian A. Sent to… read more
August 5, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Unto Judea and Samaria A. Samaria: Next… read more
July 29, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. Stephen Before the Sanhedrin A. Stephen’s insightful… read more
July 22, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. The Office of Deacon A. Hebraic Jews… read more
July 8, 2012
Series: Exposition on Acts
Speaker: Pastor Rich Hamlin
Book: Acts
I. Introduction II. The Persecution Continues A. Great healings and… read more