Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
March 10, 2019
Series: Exposition on the Gospel of John
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
Book: John
I. Introduction II. Believers are not of the world (v…. read more
March 18, 2018
Series: Exposition on Deuteronomy
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
Book: Deuteronomy
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 29:29 | Speaker: Elder Jim Howard |… read more
October 23, 2016
Series: Philippians
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
Book: Philippians
Bible Text: Philippians 4:1-9 | Preacher: Elder Jim Howard |… read more
February 9, 2014
Series: Exposition on 1 John
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
Book: 1 John
Bible Text: 1 John 2:3-6 | Speaker: Elder Jim Howard… read more
July 15, 2012
Series: Miscellaneous
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
I. Introduction II. Holiness in Salvation A. Immediate B. Certain… read more
May 2, 2010
Series: Miscellaneous
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
I. Introduction II. The birth of Cain and Abel –… read more
August 10, 2008
Series: Miscellaneous
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
I. Believers are not of the world (John 17:14) A…. read more
May 18, 2008
Series: Miscellaneous
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
I. Do you know God? (1 Jn 2: 3-4) A…. read more
September 30, 2007
Series: Miscellaneous
Speaker: Elder Jim Howard
Book: Matthew
I. A man going on a long journey distributes his… read more