Nine Reasons Why You Didn't Like the Pastor's Sermon

You didn’t pray for your Pastor last week. You may not even have asked God to prepare your heart for the preaching of the Word on Sunday. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5)

You were sleepy in church because you stayed up too late the night before. Maybe you were even late for church (as always ?). And because you got up late, and didn’t eat breakfast, all you can think about is lunch.

You didn’t take time during the week to read and meditate on the text. You should expect to hear from God during the sermon—and be different when you leave. Prepare yourself!

You were just a spectator, not a worshipper. There are parts of the worship service you don’t like so you don’t participate fully. When it’s time to sing—sing. When it’s time to pray—pray. When it is time to read—read. When it’s time to give—give. Get the idea?

You didn’t listen attentively to the reading and the preaching of the Word. This next Sunday, while the Pastor is preaching, try to make eye contact with the him. It helps the pastor know you are listening and connecting, and it helps you stay alert and focused. Open your Bible and follow along—it is easier to do if you turn your phone OFF! (Galatians 6:6)

You didn’t take notes. Try writing down some things the Lord is speaking to you about, not just what the Pastor says. Then work through the Bible text with your notes when you get home. Talk to your family and friends about what you heard and learned. (Psalms 119:18)

You didn’t think the Pastor was entertaining or dramatic enough to hold your attention. You think he should tell more stories to be effective and more spellbinding. If your Pastor is a humble man of God and loves the Word, and he opens up the Word and seeks to make its meaning plain, consider yourself blessed! (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

You think the Pastor should be more __________ ; say more _________; not say __________. If you have unrealistic expectations of your Pastor you will never be satisfied. Remember that the power is in the truth, not in the messenger.

You didn’t think any of the sermon applied to you. But you were sure glad the guy in the second pew was hearing it. If your heart is humble, your focus won’t be on evaluating the content of the sermon or how it’s delivered; you will let the sermon evaluate you. Be like the men and women in Nehemiah 8:3.

If you are not gaining any profit from the faithful preaching of the Gospel in your church, the defect does not lie in your Pastor’s proclamation of the Word. It is in your lack of readiness to hear, receive and respond to the Word of God.

Chris Nyland

September 9, 2011


  1. Thanks Chris. The part about taking notes is true for me and really does keep me engaged and listening to what God is saying through the sermon. Rob & I often talk after about the sermon by using my notes which is very edifying for us both. Rob & I do want to make application of preparing the night before by taking time to read the sermon text and prayer about it. Because Rob works every Saturday he often comes home late which hinders our preparation. We need to be better prepared. Rob & I don’t want to be just spectators and will be praying that the Holy Spirit help us to be worshippers in spirit & truth every Lord’s Day. John 4:23-24

  2. Good reminder for God’s people of why we worship and how we should prepare ourselves to enter into God’s worship. Worship isn’t a passive exercise, It takes prayer, preparation, participation and application to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth.

  3. We must prepare our hearts prior to coming before the Lord and we must be actively participating in prayer and worship. We should all desire to be better at this.

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024