Science is God—Really?

December 10, 2021

It had been some time since I had been to Seattle. I’m not a big fan of traffic, vaccine passports, and the overall mess of things in Blue Washington’s prized bluest city. But I was passing through this past week and found myself enjoying the lights of the season. One home just off the interstate […]

About That Religious Exemption

August 12, 2021

On April 25, 2020, six weeks into ceasing Sunday morning worship at the directive of our governor, I preached a sermon entitled, “Who Says We Can’t Meet During the Virus?” It was an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. In it we spoke of “sphere sovereignty,” the teaching from Scripture that God has ordained three major “governments”—the […]

Fungus or Fetus?

September 30, 2015

The hubbub this week has been the discovery of water on Mars. What is interesting about the find is the pronouncement that followed: life may exist on our neighboring planet. But listen and read carefully what constitutes life. From the reports I am reading no one is saying this means there are little green men […]

The Henry Morris Study Bible

August 9, 2012

One of the newest study Bibles on the market is The Henry Morris Study Bible (Master Books, New Leaf Publishing Group, 2012). The hardcover lists for $39.99 with a genuine leather edition at almost twice as much. At the present time, is offering them at 35% off list price. Henry Morris (1918-2006), was the […]

Darwinian Dribble

March 22, 2012

Marx, Freud, and Darwin have been dead a long time but their disciples still advance their cause. This past week, our local newspaper (The News Tribune, March 21, 2012) ran an editorial from the Detroit Free Press. It was entitled “Evolving Opinions on Evolution.” They were reacting to a reposting of a Gallup Poll that […]