To the Quiet Saints in our Midst

May 2, 2024

You scurry undetected. Your words are not many. You would rather do, than talk. People know your face. You wonder if they know your name. You fit in. You don’t stand out. Are you shy? Probably. Do you fear man? Maybe. Hesitant to speak because you don’t know what to say? Perhaps. Is this a […]

The Hungry and Insatiable Leviathan

November 4, 2022

C.S. Lewis is ageless. He died 60 years ago but you would never know it by reading him. I was reminded of that this past weekend at our “Slaying Leviathan” Conference. Dr. Glenn Sunshine’s book gave us the name for our Friday and Saturday gathering as well as the theme for the weekend: “Leviathan is […]

Thinking Like the Remnant

July 22, 2022

Early in redemptive history, God gave the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai. He did so on the heels of the exile. Israel, in Egyptian bondage for four centuries, was miraculously rescued from her servitude. Regarding the Law, God’s people were promised blessings for obedience, and curses for disobedience. The greatest curse promised was exile […]

2047: A Letter Written Twenty-five Years from Now to My Great Grandchildren

May 6, 2022

I am old now, soon to go the way of all men. God’s call is coming shortly. I am not long for this world. But I write with excitement and satisfaction. For tomorrow, the State of Washington’s Legislature is voting to outlaw abortion, to rid our state of its 75-year reprehensible behavior of killing children […]

How Did We Get Here?

March 4, 2022

Decades from now, if the world becomes saner through the Kingdom of God getting larger, we will have a conversation with our grandchildren or great grandchildren. And they may ask us something like this, “Tell us about the troubling times. How did it happen? What was wrong with people? Didn’t they see it coming? Why […]

Standing Up to Leviathan

November 19, 2021

In years past political parties used to speak of their “platform,” a formal collection of their positions and aspirations. “Planks” made up their platform, statements and positions on individual issues such as tax rates, domestic goals, foreign policy, and so forth. In years gone by, civil debate and discussion took place between politicians and constituents […]

Time for Jenny

October 29, 2021

My disgust has gone from simmering to boiling the past few months. I am referring to our civil overlords who believe their role and title is Over Lord. Some believe they suffer from narcissism. That may be. But I believe the better diagnosis is demi-god. Their arrogance, hubris, and condescending self-importance busted the scale months […]

Oatmeal Christianity

October 8, 2021

It’s bland. It has little taste, color, or smell. It goes down easy, really easy—no chewing necessary. I’m not talking about oatmeal. I’m talking about evangelicalism. It’s mild, plain, and vapid. It’s been told to stay in the corner and it has for years. It has been told to stay within its four-walls and it […]

A Primer for Non-Christians

September 9, 2021

We Christians can be a strange and frustrating bunch. We claim Jesus as Lord and Savior and often don’t live like it. We know that. We are not proud of it. There is no excuse for it. We find ourselves regularly confessing our failings to God. We probably should confess more to you, as well, […]

Evangelical Reformed Church’s Statement on Mandatory Medical Procedures

August 26, 2021

Standing on our ancient Christian beliefs, committed to our doctrinal standards stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and declared in our Statement of Faith which espouse the supremacy of the Holy Scriptures; Evangelical Reformed Church affirms our religion’s principles of liberty of conscience, our honoring and preserving of human life from conception to natural […]

Personal Faith Affirmation

To Whom It May Concern: The pastors and elders of Evangelical Reformed Church are writing on the behalf of ____________________ to confirm that his/her sincerely held religious beliefs prevent him/her from receiving a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. Our church, for ourselves and our congregants, affirms our right to invoke religious exemption against mandatory vaccination by governmental […]

More About That Religious Exemption

August 19, 2021

The “Vax Net” is getting larger. Healthcare providers, government employees and contractors, soldiers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, airline employees, teachers, coaches, and more are on the growing list. More will be added. I promise. I have seen this movie before. Hubris knows no bounds. O, and about coaches, the net has caught me. If you […]