There’s the screaming, fist-shaking, and tantrums out in front of SCOTUS. We expected that. There’s the soul-less politicians and their impassioned promises to restore what was lost. We expected that. There’s the Hollywood ranting how ashamed and saddened they are. We expected that. Here is what I did not expect. The number of businesses and […]
The 19th century Russian novelist, essayist, and journalist Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a devout Orthodox Christian. He was known for his suspenseful plots where his characters often wrestled with questions of faith, suffering, and evil. Recognized as one of the world’s greatest authors, ashamedly I admit I have not read him. But I did come across […]
I am old now, soon to go the way of all men. God’s call is coming shortly. I am not long for this world. But I write with excitement and satisfaction. For tomorrow, the State of Washington’s Legislature is voting to outlaw abortion, to rid our state of its 75-year reprehensible behavior of killing children […]
Some more on abortion, for the carnage continues (62 million and counting since Roe v. Wade). The United States Supreme Court may soon curtail or even throw out the court’s most wicked ruling from years ago. Washington State is preparing for such and doing all it can to solidify itself as an abortion sanctuary. Yea […]
Every pastor and elder who voted for President Joe Biden must resign. And they must do so now. Because of Biden’s glaring and obvious incapacity? No. Because of Biden’s ridiculous progressive political views? No. Because of his implausible green agenda? No. Well, the more I think about it, yes. But that’s for another blog. Every […]
It’s bland. It has little taste, color, or smell. It goes down easy, really easy—no chewing necessary. I’m not talking about oatmeal. I’m talking about evangelicalism. It’s mild, plain, and vapid. It’s been told to stay in the corner and it has for years. It has been told to stay within its four-walls and it […]
I have not hidden my animus for our state’s governor. Virtually every decision, every policy, and every signed law is a reminder that the man who lives in the governor’s mansion is a snake. If I needed any more confirmation (which I did not), it came down yesterday in his latest press release. For those […]
Church Family, Forced and/or coerced COVID-19 vaccination mandates are being imposed on several of our members. The previous two blogs have addressed the egregious overreach that is being played. Attached you will find our church’s “Statement on Mandatory Medical Procedures.” You will also find a letter we will be making available for our members seeking […]
Standing on our ancient Christian beliefs, committed to our doctrinal standards stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and declared in our Statement of Faith which espouse the supremacy of the Holy Scriptures; Evangelical Reformed Church affirms our religion’s principles of liberty of conscience, our honoring and preserving of human life from conception to natural […]
To Whom It May Concern: The pastors and elders of Evangelical Reformed Church are writing on the behalf of ____________________ to confirm that his/her sincerely held religious beliefs prevent him/her from receiving a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. Our church, for ourselves and our congregants, affirms our right to invoke religious exemption against mandatory vaccination by governmental […]
“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024