November 12, 2023 Bulletin

By grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone

Order of Worship

Preparation for Worship

Prelude and Silent Prayer


Introit ~ “Built on the Rock”


* Hymn #167 ~ “When Morning Gilds the Skies”


Welcome and Announcements


Adoration of God

Call to Worship: Daniel 2:20-22


* Hymn ~ “I Sing the Mighty Power of God”


Children’s Choir Anthem ~ “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”


Confession of Sin

* Reading of the Law: Deuteronomy 6:1-9


Assurance of Pardon


Affirmation of Faith: Westminster Shorter Catechism Q&A 27-28


Q. 27. In what did Christ’s humiliation consist?

Christ’s humiliation consisted in being born, and that in a poor circumstance; in being subject to God’s law; in undergoing the miseries of this life, the wrath of God and the curse of death on the cross; in being buried; and in continuing under the power of death for a time.


Q. 28. In what does Christ’s exaltation consist?

Christ’s exaltation consists in his rising again from the dead on the third day; in ascending into heaven; in sitting at the right hand of God the Father; and in coming to judge the world at the last day.


* Hymn #536 ~ “Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase”


Means of Grace

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer


Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 23:23-29


New Testament Reading: Romans 11:33-36


Sermon: “Exposed” (Psalm 139:1-24)


Hymn #461 ~ “Not What My Hands Have Done”




Response and Blessing

* Doxology to the tune of “For All the Saints” #358


Praise ye the Lord, His mighty works acclaim:

His years are endless, yet is He the same

O sing His praise, give glory to His holy name:

Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen


* Blessing/Benediction


[* indicates to please stand]


Sermon Notes

“Exposed” (Psalm 139)

I. Introduction


II. Search Me, O God


A. The all seeing and all present God


B. And He is creative and holy, too


III. Application


A. Some insight from Lewis


B. God sees you!



Today: Nursery for children birth through three during Sunday School and Worship.


Today: The “Worship Training Room” (across from kitchen) is available for young families (livestream available)


Communication from us? Please fill out a Communication Card (on back table)


Abortion Outreach: Monday, 9-11am at TPP; Thursday, 8:30am at TPP


Wednesday: Council Meeting, 5pm


Wednesday: BENYO; 6th-12th graders, 6-7:30pm; dinner, games, and discussion


Double Baby Shower: Nov. 18, 10am


Christmas Decorating: Nov. 30, 11am


Sacred Road: Join our ministry team to Yakama Reservation, July 27-Aug. 4


December Dates: 12/2 Ladies’ Advent Brunch; 12/8 Christmas Party; 12/15 Swing Dance; 12/17 Children’s Pageant; 12/25 Christmas Day Worship


Reminder: No food or drink in sanctuary


Pastoral Counseling? See Pastor Henry


Food Pantry: Food available for ERC families in kitchen


Next Week’s Sermon Text: Psalm 140:1-13


“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024