You Cannot Vote for Her

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Image Credit: Element5 Digital - Unsplash

I feel compelled to write this blog. I should not have to. But I must. I do not believe our congregation needs to be exhorted concerning the matter. But there are others out there poised to vote for this woman. And if you are a follower of Jesus, you cannot.

“Stay in your lane, pastor” some will say. I am in my lane. A follower of Jesus is to think biblically concerning all of life. That means worshiping God on Sunday and living life the way He would have us live the other six. That means we vote as He would have us vote. So, this is part of my job description given by God, providing biblical counsel.

This does not mean we will agree on everything. Christian “Smith” votes Yes to build a new library. Christian “Jones” votes No, not wanting his taxes to go up. Fine. That is not a moral issue. But that cannot be said when it comes to candidates and their political parties.

Which brings me back to why I write. I am not excited about Trump the man. Nor am I enamored with Trump the Republican. The man and the party are often disappointing. But I will vote for him acknowledging his abundant flaws and his party’s softening on abortion.

And here is why. How has Harris framed her candidacy? Her love of abortion and her hatred for Trump. That is about it. And how have the Democrats cast themselves? Read their 2024 Party Platform. A party’s platform declares the party’s values.

Since the Dobb’s decision (2022), Democrats have made abortion the defining issue of their party. A significant portion of her acceptance speech in August was a screed that Roe was overturned and her and her party’s zealous and unrelenting commitment to reinstate it as the law of the land.

The 2004 Democratic Platform had one paragraph about abortion, stating that it should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Twenty years later, their 2024 Platform now includes nearly 1,000 words pledging unlimited access, public funding, chemical abortions, and the appointing of judges who will uphold this hellish culture of death.

This woman and her party are in bed with Planned Parenthood. Did you watch their convention? Listen to their speeches? See the prominent advertising throughout the convention hall for Planned Parenthood, an organization that has killed millions more than any 20th century Communist despot? This so-called woman’s health organization even set up a mobile abortion facility near the convention hall, offering free abortions. While the “positive vibes” were going on inside, the killing was going on outside.

There are other policy positions, as well, that I can easily argue from Scripture which party is more biblically aligned. LGBTQI+ ideology, parent’s rights, and religious freedom readily come to mind. And there are a multitude of other matters that distinguish the two parties; Small Government vs. Big Government, Freedom vs. Regulation, Less Taxes vs. More Taxes. Then there’s DEI and men competing against women in sports, and even how a country should handle its borders.

And consider this, which presidential candidate will choose cabinet members and appoint judges that more likely will have a biblical worldview? That is not a difficult question.

I am not voting for the person. I am voting for the party. I am not voting for the personality. I am voting for the platform. The Republicans are no saints. But they are far more aligned with Scripture than their counterparts.

Shame on pastors and churches who are not framing the 2024 election this way. I would not trust my soul to someone who refuses or fails to look upon the political landscape and is silent, or worse, endorses a candidate or party that embraces abortion as they do.

And do not play the “purist game,” either. That you cannot compromise or violate your conscience by voting for a despicable man. By not voting for the despicable man, you are voting for the depraved woman and party who seemingly cannot stop talking about their right and glee to kill babies.

So, I say it again. A follower of Jesus cannot vote for her.

Pastor Rich Hamlin
October 3, 2024

Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025