Daring God

March 17, 2023

“When sin grows ripe, and abounds in a land or nation, at such a time as this a man may know there is some fearful judgment approaching. But when is sin ripe?” Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes asked the question 400 years ago. Many have asked it since. Every generation has cause to do so. A […]

Preparing for the Lord’s Supper

July 25, 2014

A Puritan Paperback by Thomas Watson, The Lord’s Supper is a treatise that explains the importance, personal preparation, comfort, and ends of the Lord’s Supper. In one section of the book on preparing for the Lord’s Supper, Watson gives believers a list of ten ways they should prepare themselves for the Lord’s Supper (or as […]

The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith

December 27, 2012

This book review is by Terry Delaney and appears on his website, Christian Book Notes (May 13th, 2011). Used by permission. Swinnock, George. The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith. Grand Rapids, Reformation Heritage Books, 2009. 178 pp. $10.00. [on sale right now for $5.00] Introduction George Swinnock was an English Puritan who lived […]

Josiah’s Reformation

January 19, 2012

This book review by Terry Delaney appears on his website, Christian Book Notes (December 5, 2011). Used by permission.  Sibbes, Richard. Josiah’s Reformation. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2011. 176 pp. $10.00. Purchase at Westminster Bookstore or Mongerism Books for less. Introduction Josiah’s Reformation is the latest in the Puritan Paperbacks Series published by the Banner of Truth Trust. This […]

More From My Dead Friends

July 28, 2011

There was something else I wanted to mention about the prayer life of the Puritans (see “Praying Like a Puritan,” June 30, 2011 blog). Not only was the content of their prayers biblically rich; so were their salutations. Here are a few opening addresses from their prayers found in the book, “The Valley of Vision.” […]

Praying Like a Puritan

June 30, 2011

“O my Savior, help me. I am slow to learn, so prone to forget, so weak to climb; I am in the foothills when I should be on the heights….” Those Puritans sure knew how to pray; and it’s not because they had extensive vocabularies and were good with metaphors. Theirs was a deep piety […]