The Androgynous Middle

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels
May 9, 2024

It is called the “Hjalli Teaching Model.” Founded in 1989 by self-described “radical feminist” Margret Pala Olafsdottir, several nursery and elementary schools in Iceland (where Olafsdottir is from) now use the model. The goal? Their words, “to counter stereotypical gender roles and behaviors.” At the schools, everything is gender-neutral, including the identical uniforms boys and […]

Losing Our Kids

April 25, 2024

How do our kids stay Christian? Is there a more pressing question for Christian parents? And the question is vitally important for churches to address, too. We know the theological answer. God sovereignly ordains salvation. And that He preserves those He calls to saving faith. All good and well. But God also ordains the means […]

Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Book Launch Party: February 28, 2025