A Sheep’s Surprise

December 23, 2021

[The following is chapter 15 in Pastor Rich’s children’s book, If They Could Talk: letters from those who were there. The book concerns the story of our redemption as it unfolds from Genesis to Revelation. “A Sheep’s Surprise” is the story of the angelic announcement of Jesus’ birth as found in Luke 2. The sheep […]

A Slug or a Crab?

December 17, 2021

We are days away from celebrating Christmas. For many, the day is one of memories. Of being a child, of opening presents, of traveling “over the hills and through the woods to grandma’s house,” and so on. Foodies recall the smells and tastes of the season. Romantics remember the simpler days. Moms and dads recall […]

No Rocks or Snakes

December 19, 2013

Our kids are getting older, but it’s still fun to watch them open their Christmas gifts. Basketballs, bicycles, and dolls have given way mostly to clothes these days, but the joy of giving and receiving continues. Through the years, as mom and dad, we hit some home runs (electronics), and we hit some singles (cool […]

A Donkey’s Tale

December 22, 2011

Notice to the reader: another in the series from “If They Could Talk” follows; the story of our redemption through the eye-witness accounts of animals who found themselves at key redemptive moments. The target audience is children; that they might better understand the Bible and God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds in Scripture. Other […]

A Sheep’s Surprise

December 15, 2011

Note to reader: A number of years ago, I began writing what I hoped one day would be a children’s book. It was penciled out to be 26 chapters (letters, actually) entitled “If They Could Talk.” It was to cover redemptive history from creation (Genesis) to the return of Christ (Revelation) from the perspective of […]