You Lack No Good Thing
You Lack No Good Thing
January 4, 2009
Series: Exposition on the Psalms
I. Introduction
II. A Hymn to a Sermon
A. Hymn: Praise God (vv. 1-10)
B. Sermon: Fear the Lord (vv. 11-22)
C. The ultimate deliverance
III. Conclusion and Application
A. The “good things” of Psalm 34
B. These “good things” are for those who “seek the Lord”
C. Understanding that “no good thing” is withheld
The Greatness of God
December 28, 2008
WE ARE VERY SORRY BUT THERE IS NO AUDIO AVAILABLE FOR THIS SERMON I. Introduction II. In Awe of God A. Worship the Lord with freshness, skill and fervor B. Do so because of His Word and Work C. Thanking God for His providence III. Conclusion and Application A. God as a “little diety” who […]