The Holy Marriage
The Holy Marriage

I. Introduction
II. A Royal Wedding
A. Understanding OT weddings
B. Vv. 2-9: In praise of King Jesus
C. vv. 6-7 in the NT
D. vv. 10-15: Words to the bride (church)
III. Conclusion and Application
A. Awaiting His return
1. Leave the past
2. Honor in the present
3. Look forward to the future
B. The wedding feast is coming!
Appearance vs. Reality
March 8, 2009
I. Introduction II. Looking for an Explanation A. A glorious past contrasted with a puzzling present B. Victories and defeats: From God C. The psalm ends with no explanation III. Conclusion and Application A. The puzzle answered 1. Jesus in the boat 2. Paul in Romans 8 B. Seeing suffering as a “battle scar” and […]