Reverse the Curse
Reverse the Curse
I. Introduction
II. The Curse
A. To the woman
1. Increased pain of childbearing/child-rearing
2. Desire to control/master her husband
3. This further leads to more discontent
B.To the man
1. Work becomes a burden
2. Life becomes meaningless
3. This further leads to more irresponsibility
III. Conclusion and Application
A. Women are to fight a nature prone to be discontented
B. Men are to fight a nature prone to be irresponsible
C. Only God’s grace reverses the curse
Few Words...Much Said
July 27, 2003
I. Introduction II. Beginning of the Covenant of Grace A. Keeping vv. 1-13 before us B. God sentences Satan C. Before hearing the consequences, God gives Adam amd Eve a promise and hope D. Antithesis between the two seeds E. The crushing of Satan’s head III. Conclusion and Application A. See God’s mercy! B. The […]