Put Him On
Put Him On
I. Introduction
II. Love Now
A. “…love one another…”
B. The OT and loving one another
C. This present “evil age” wants you!
III. Conclusion and Application
A. How do we “clothe ourselves” with Christ?
1. Loving our neighbor
2. Understanding the present Time
3. Waking up from our slumber
B. Put on Christ now
God’s Truth Abideth Still
August 10, 2008
I. Believers are not of the world (John 17:14) A. Are you a believer? II. Jesus prays for believers protection from the evil one (John 17:15-16) A. Are you resisting the evil one? III. Jesus prays for believers sanctification (John 17:17) A. Are you being sanctified by God’s Word?