Look and Live
Look and Live
I. Introduction
II. God’s Covenant with Abram
A. Abram was wondering about those “Promises”…
B. God tells Abram he will have a son
C. Abram believes (has faith)
D. God “credited it to him as righteousness”
III. Conclusion and Application
A. Genesis 15:6 is so significant, it is quoted 3 times in the NT
B. “Look to Jesus and live”
Living By Faith
December 31, 2006
I. Introduction II. Abram Rescues Lot A. Lot’s bad choice starts to unravel B. The offer of Mechizedek vs. The offer of Sodom III. Conclusion and Application A. Abram must choose between God’s favor or the world’s favor B. Abram chooses to live life by faith C. Faith is the key…how’s your faith?