Live and Die with the Saints
Live and Die with the Saints
November 2, 2008
Series: Exposition on the Psalms
I. Introduction
II. An Introduction to the Psalms
III. Psalm 26
A. Contrast: the righteous and the wicked
B. Company we keep “here” is the company we will keep “there”
IV. Application and Covenant
A. Loving God’s people and loving God’s house
B. A lesson from Balaam
All Glory to an All Wise God
October 26, 2008
I. Introduction II. Greetings from Corinth A. Who are these guys? B. The Gospel 1. Jesus takes my sin 2. Jesus gives me His Righteousness C. The mystery has been revealed! III. Conclusion and Application A. God’s plan of salvation: What a plan! B. Do you have a plan?