Ladies Advent Brunch, “Joseph’s Story”
Ladies Advent Brunch, “Joseph’s Story”
December 7, 2013
Series: ERC’s Ladies Advent Brunch
Mary Jane is the mother of two and has lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren. She and her husband, Dr. Douglas E. Bond were highly instrumental in the growth of Tacoma Baptist Schools. Mary Jane served there for many years as a speech and English teacher as well as the school counselor. Mary Jane is still active at TBS as well as at Heritage School where her son, Douglas Bond is a teacher. Among other things, Mary Jane was also active in Bible Study Fellowship for many years.
Nothing to You?
December 1, 2013
I. Introduction II. Introducing Lamentations III. The Lonely and Suffering City A. A widow and a slave B. When God isn’t your chief love IV. Conclusion and Application A. Reaping what we sow B. God the just; God the justified