Faithful or Not ~ Psalm 89
Faithful or Not ~ Psalm 89
I. Introduction
II. The Steadfast Love of God
A. God is faithful (vs. 1-37)
B. Is God faithful? (vs. 38-52)
III. Conclusion and Application
A. What’s a covenant?
B. Danger of judging God’s faithfulness by what we see.
Don't Waste Your Crisis ~ Psalm 88
September 17, 2017
I. Introduction II. Crying Day and Night A. Unanswered prayer (vs. 1-2) B. God behind troubles (vs. 3-9) C. Argument to answer (vs. 10-12) D. Still unanswered (vs. 13-18) III. Conclusion and Application A. What if no more hurts and losses?. B. The blessing of crisis