Be Strong and Courageous
Be Strong and Courageous
I. Introduction
II. God’s Charge to Joshua
A. God gives responsibilities to Joshua (vv. 6-9) after having given him promises (vv. 2-5)
B. “Be strong and courageous” is given 3 times in 4 verses
C. There is a connection between God’s felt presence, our faith, and our obedience
III. Conclusion and Application
A. Joshua was to respond to God’s law/Word by:
1. Knowing
2. Talking
3. Meditating
4. Obeying
B. When struggling with not feeling His presence, our faith, and/our obedience: Return to His Word
Announced and Fulfilled
April 11, 2004
I. Introduction II. An Introduction to Isaiah A. The prophet Isaiah is God’s mouthpiece of judgement and mercy B. Isaiah 40 through 66 is about Jesus III. What the promised Savior will do A. Think as a captive as you read these verses B. Isaiah 61 is fulfilled 700 years later in Luke 4 IV. […]