Announced and Fulfilled
Announced and Fulfilled
I. Introduction
II. An Introduction to Isaiah
A. The prophet Isaiah is God’s mouthpiece of judgement and mercy
B. Isaiah 40 through 66 is about Jesus
III. What the promised Savior will do
A. Think as a captive as you read these verses
B. Isaiah 61 is fulfilled 700 years later in Luke 4
IV. Conclusion and Application
A. Is it the “year of the Lord’s favor” for you? Or…
B. Will it soon be the day of vengeance for you?
C. Lose your burden (forever) at the cross
A Baptism Tangent ~ Colossians 2:11-12
February 22, 2004
I. Introduction II. More on Christ’s sufficiency A. Circumcision was one of the false teaching’s “supplements” B. Two errors exhibited by the false teachers 1. Circumcision still necessary 2. Circumcision was a vehicle of grace C. Paul compares the two “circumcisions” D. How does baptism get drawn into this? III. Conclusion and Application A. The […]