A Mighty Fortress
A Mighty Fortress
I. Introduction
II. Besieged
A.God’s power over nature (vv. 1-3)
B.God’s power over attackers of His city (vv. 4-7)
C.God’s power over whole world (vv. 8-11)
III. Conclusion and Application
A. Security of Jerusalem vs. New Jerusalem
B. Comforted now and in the future
The Holy Marriage
March 15, 2009
I. Introduction II. A Royal Wedding A. Understanding OT weddings B. Vv. 2-9: In praise of King Jesus C. vv. 6-7 in the NT D. vv. 10-15: Words to the bride (church) III. Conclusion and Application A. Awaiting His return 1. Leave the past 2. Honor in the present 3. Look forward to the future […]