
The “dummy light” comes on every 3,000 miles in our car. Time for another oil change. I appreciate the reminder but do not like it when the red oil can flashes red on my dashboard. But I better pay attention to it. After addressed, I enjoy hitting the reset button that makes it go away until the next time.

Christians get many resets with God. His love and mercies are new every morning (Ecclesiastes 3:22-23). This is good. And when He throws our confessed sins into the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19), we enjoy His reset. And when we play the prodigal, there He is greeting us, giving us the best robe, and celebrating with a fatted calf. God is giving out resets all the time to His children.

The New Year is big on resets. Vows are made come January 1 to eat better, exercise more, read the Bible every day, and other things of that sort. All fine and good.

In Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress just after Christian looks to the cross and his burden disappears in the sepulcher, a redeemed and joyous Christian comes across three men sleeping close to where he had just experienced salvation. He sees their plight. So close to the cross yet asleep, and with fetters upon their heels. With evangelistic zeal, Christian stirs them from their slumber. The three, named Simple, Sloth, and Presumption, were not interested in Christian’s offer. Their names gave them away. Each opted for more sleep instead.

The characteristics of these three can trip up the Christian, too. We can be naïve, lazy, and full of assumptions regarding our spiritual journey and maturation. In fact, too many Christians are.

God has blessed us with the “means of grace.” They are His appointed instruments by which the Holy Spirit enables believers to not only initially receive Jesus, but also the benefits of redemption. They are the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer. I would add a fourth that God often provides for our growth—fellowship. These means are enjoyed corporately. That is, when His people gather for worship.

This means all of us can enjoy a reset every seven days, as a member of God’s family worshiping together at church each Lord’s Day. It is there you will be reminded of the gospel. It is there you will be instructed in His Word. It is there you will get to come to the Table that reminds you who you are—a son or daughter of the King. Prayers will also be offered for forgiveness and our needs. And you will be amidst your family, all of whom also need a reset.

Do not succumb to the thinking of Simple, Slothful, and Presumptuous. Get to God’s House. God’s means of grace await you. It may be just the reset you need.

Pastor Rich Hamlin
December 30, 2021

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024