Photo provided by Robert Pourpasand

Robert Pourpasand


I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran to Christian parents who fled Russia during the time of Stalin. I was 14 years old when my family immigrated (LEGALLY) to the United States and was the first in my family to become a naturalized citizen. Raised in Yonkers, New York, I enlisted in the United States Army as a radiological technologist and served tours in the United States, Europe, and Iran, where I met my future wife, and then was held for a time during the Iranian Revolution.

My professional background includes more than 40 years of service in military hospitals and volunteer service in various community organizations. As one who has lived under an oppressive government, I have been acutely aware of the liberties provided by the United States Constitution and have dedicated myself to preserving our nation as a beacon of light offering hope to others struggling to escape tyranny.

My Russian-born mother has always loved the Lord, and my faith in God originated in the Assyrian Church of the East, which is similar to Russian/Greek Orthodoxy. After years of geographical separation from a formal Assyrian church body and upon my marriage to Linda, we spent many years worshipping in the Baptist Church. But we both knew: something’s missing from our relationship with God and times of worship. We were being entertained, not growing. We had never heard the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, that is, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” Through God’s providence, we were led to the teachings of today’s great Reformed theologians and, ultimately, to Evangelical Reformed Church.

Evangelical Reformed Church is now our home for corporate worship, where each Sunday our beloved pastor speaks God’s inerrant Word, preaching Christ and Him crucified.

It is such a joy to be a part of our church body, where glorifying God is always placed first in all of our endeavors.

I joined my brethren as a deacon in 2015, and it’s been a blessing to fellowship with God-fearing people and a loving body of believers.

I like spending time in the yard gardening, enjoying God’s creation around rivers, fishing, camping, playing soccer and volleyball. Before the Lord calls me home, I’d still like to learn to play the accordion!

I enjoy helping others in any way that I can.