Paul Jackson


My wife Nancy and I came to ERC for the same reasons that most do… a church that preaches and teaches the whole counsel of God from a reformed perspective…that holds to scripture as the sole source of divine revelation. And that grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone is the sole source of salvation and sanctification for God’s glory alone.

I have served as a deacon at ERC since 2017 to carry out the meaning of the word “to render humble, menial service for the benefit of others.” And to follow Jesus’ calling “…not to be served but to serve.” I’ll never forget my first duty as a deacon…unclog a toilet in one of the restrooms! It continues to be a deep joy to love and serve God’s people!

My vision for ERC is that it continue to live out the whole meaning of it’s name…Evangelical (faithful to the essential doctrines of scripture) Reformed (faithful to proclaim the whole counsel of God with an emphasis on His gospel) Church (faithful to worship the Most High God according to His will, not ours).

Nancy and I have been married for 43 years. We have 3 adult children and 8 grandchildren who all walk or are learning to walk with the Lord. Nancy is an avid quilter and professional puzzle worker (she’s really good at it!) I claim, with very little evidence, to play golf and enjoy spending time with the “G-kids” and listening to audio books.

I can be contacted by email or phone listed in the church directory. Copies of the directory are available in the church office.

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024