Brett Ringheiser


When my wife and I discovered the doctrines of Grace along with the 5 Solas it was both humbling and exhilarating. The Lord eventually directed our way to Tacoma Evangelical Reformed Church in 2008. We were married at this Church in 2009 and the military sent us shortly thereafter to Texas, then California. After time, by God’s providence, we eventually returned to JBLM in 2016, and we rejoined this blessed fellowship.

I was raised in a Christian household but hated God until His saving grace opened my eyes just before my 19th birthday. Since finding the historically Reformed Faith my desire to know and love our Sovereign God has grown. It’s a privilege and blessing to serve the body of Christ when and wherever needed. I desire to see Christ’s Kingdom grow as the mustard tree with its shade covering the whole garden.

My wife and I have two wonderful children that we desire to disciple. Our family enjoys camping together, hiking, skiing, and adventure. My prayer for ERC is the same as Paul’s for Philemon. “6: and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.” ESV

God has put many leaders in my life to show me how to follow Jesus my Lord. I’m thankful to serve alongside some of those men at ERC.

“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024