Don’t miss the opportunity to a take a free 13-week course taught by R.C. Sproul called, Poets, Prophecy, and Wisdom Bible Survey. The course is designed to give a “panorama of biblical truth and a starting point to help you understand the content of the Bible.” The course is designed to follow along with pastors Tim Challies and David Murray as they learn with you to “gain new insights, and improve your ability to read, understand, and apply Scripture to your life.”
The course is the second of a four part course that surveys the entirety of the Bible that Ligonier Ministries has produced called, Dust to Glory. Dr. Sproul says, “I believe that Dust to Glory is the most important teaching tool Ligonier has produced.”
The course is accessible 24/7 which includes video lectures from Dr. R.C. Sproul along downloadable study guides. The lessons are also available in mp3.
You can learn more about it, along with how to sign up, at Tim Challis’ blog here, or at David Murray’s blog here.
Chris Nyland
February 21, 2013