A Sheep’s Surprise

December 23, 2021

[The following is chapter 15 in Pastor Rich’s children’s book, If They Could Talk: letters from those who were there. The book concerns the story of our redemption as it unfolds from Genesis to Revelation. “A Sheep’s Surprise” is the story of the angelic announcement of Jesus’ birth as found in Luke 2. The sheep […]

Where Have You Been Drinking?

September 10, 2020

God’s prophets had a tough gig. They were to speak on behalf of God to his people. At first glance, what was so difficult about that? Wouldn’t people want to hear from God? You’d think the guy with a direct connection to the Creator and Sustainer of the world would be revered. The writer of […]

A Bigger Jesus

July 17, 2014

Last Sunday, we finished our 6-month preaching series through the book of Hebrews. I closed the sermon highlighting some of the words and phrases used to describe Jesus and His saving work. As I looked out from the pulpit, I saw in many of your eyes and slightly gaped mouth what I perceived to be […]