September 10, 2023 Bulletin

By grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone

Order of Worship

Preparation for Worship

Prelude and Silent Prayer


Introit ~ “When Morning Gilds the Skies”


* Hymn #164 ~ “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”


Welcome and Announcements


Adoration of God

Call to Worship: Psalm 150:1-6


* Hymn ~ “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”


Confession of Sin

* Reading of the Law: Ephesians 4:25-32


Assurance of Pardon


* Hymn ~ “Psalm 131”


Means of Grace

Sacrament of Baptism


Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer


Old Testament Reading: Daniel 4:28-33


New Testament Reading: Philippians 2:1-11


Sermon: “Weaned from Pride” (Psalm 131:1-3)


Hymn #512 ~ “I Lay My Sins on Jesus”




Response and Blessing

* Doxology to the tune of “For All the Saints” #358


Praise ye the Lord, His mighty works acclaim:

His years are endless, yet is He the same

O sing His praise, give glory to His holy name:

Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen


* Blessing/Benediction


[* indicates to please stand]


Sermon Notes

“Weaned from Pride” (Psalm 131:1-3)

I. Introduction


II. Confident in the Lord


A. Like weaning a child


B. Abandoning our sense of importance


III. Application


A. Pride blinds


B. Pride can sneak up on us



Today: Nursery for children birth through three during Worship.


Today: The “Worship Training Room” (across from kitchen) is available for young families (livestream available)


Communication from us? Please fill out a Communication Card (on back table)


Abortion Ministry Outreach: TBA


Wednesday: Bible Education Night (BEN): 2nd and 4th Wednesday’s; 6pm dinner, 6:30 singing, 6:45-7:30pm classes and Small Groups for all


Friday-Saturday: “Building Culture in Hostile Territory,” register online


Next Sunday: Sunday School begins; 9-9:45am, classes for all; adult classes: “1, 2, and 3 John” and “Family, Church, and Culture”


October Conference: “Fierce Families: Faithful, Fruitful, and Fierce,” Oct. 20-21; post conference “Date Night”: concert (“Out of the Dust”) and dessert


Reformation Sunday: October 29, after worship; Luther Story Stations, games, crafts; candy and light fare. Signup sheets at the info table in fellowship hall.


Please: Food and drink limited to Fellowship Hall. Thank you!


Food Pantry: Food in kitchen for ERC families


Pastoral Counseling? See Pastor Henry


Next Week’s Sermon Text: Psalm 132:1-18