January 14, 2024 Bulletin

By grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone

Order of Worship

Preparation for Worship

Prelude and Silent Prayer


Introit ~ “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”


* Hymn #115 ~ “All Creatures of our God and King”


Welcome and Announcements


Adoration of God

Call to Worship: Psalm 121:1-2


* Hymn ~ “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”


Confession of Sin

* Reading of the Law: 2 Peter 1:3-11


Assurance of Pardon


* Hymn ~ “Psalm 147”


Means of Grace

Sacrament of Baptism


Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer


Old Testament Reading: Psalm 119:65-72


New Testament Reading: John 4:1-11


Sermon: “Do You Know the Rules?” (Psalm 147:1-20)


* Hymn #441 ~ “Jesus Shall Reign”




Response and Blessing

* Doxology to the tune of “For All the Saints” #358


Praise ye the Lord, His mighty works acclaim:

His years are endless, yet is He the same

O sing His praise, give glory to His holy name:

Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen


* Blessing/Benediction


[* indicates to please stand]


Sermon Notes

“Do You Know the Rules?” (Psalm 147)

I. Introduction


II. Why Praise Him?


A. Reason upon reason


B. God is actively involved in His creation


III. Application


A. “What has God’s Law to do with me?”


B. Is it precious to you?



Today: Nursery for children birth through three during Sunday School and Worship.


Today: The “Worship Training Room” (across from kitchen) is available for young families (livestream available)


Communication from us? Please fill out a Communication Card (on back table)


Today: “Dinner for Six” signup; 3-month fellowship opportunity


Wednesday: Council Meeting, 5pm


Wednesday: BENYO, 6-7:30pm for 6th-12th; dinner, discussion, and activity


Help: Need 5th Sunday help for Fellowship cleanup; substitutes too; signup


Next Sunday: Young Adult Group; 6-7:30pm; Screwtape Letters


Second Semester Adult Sunday School Classes: “Prayer” by Elder Eric Cooper; “The Westminster Confession” by Elder Harvey Wieczorkiewicz; begin Jan. 28


Reminder: No food or drink in sanctuary


Pastoral Counseling? See Pastor Henry


Food Pantry: Food available for ERC families in kitchen


Next Week’s Sermon Text: Psalm 148:1-14


“Post Tenebras Lux” Conference: November 1-2, 2024