Welcome and Prayer
Call to Worship
*Hymn #260 “Were You There?” (vv. 1-4; please stand)
Lesson One: Betrayal
“He who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me”
Foretold: Psalm 41:7-10 Fulfilled: John 13:18-27
Reflection: “Have I betrayed Him?”
Lesson Two: Rejection
“They hated me without a cause”
Foretold: Psalm 35:19-21 Fulfilled: John 15:18-25
Reflection: “Have I rejected Him?”
Lesson Three: Mocking
“They gave me vinegar for my thirst”
Foretold: Psalm 69:17-21 Fulfilled: Matthew 27:27-34
Reflection: “Have I mocked Him?”
*Hymn #251 “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” (stand)
Lesson Four: Crucifixion
“They divided my garments and cast lots for my clothing”
Foretold: Psalm 22:13-18 Fulfilled: John 19:17-24
Reflection: “Did I ‘participate’ in His crucifixion?”
Lesson Five: Insults
“He trusts in God; let Him deliver Him”
Foretold: Psalm 22:6-8 Fulfilled: Matthew 27:39-44
Reflection: “Have I insulted Him?”
*Hymn #252 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (stand)
Lesson Six: Darkness
“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
Foretold: Psalm 22:1-3 Fulfilled: Matthew 27:45-49
Reflection: “Was it dark because of my sin?”
*Hymn #247 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” (stand)
Lesson Seven: Committal
“Into thy hands, I commit my spirit”
Foretold: Psalm 31:1-5 Fulfilled: Luke 23:46-49
Reflection: “Did He give up His spirit because of me?”
“The Power of the Cross” (stand)
Lesson Eight: Death
“Not a bone of Him shall be broken”
Foretold: Psalm 34:15-20 Fulfilled: John 19:28-37
Reflection: “Did He die because of me?”
Choir: “Ah, Holy Jesus”
Prayer and Benediction
*Please stand
It is our prayer that tonight’s service will help you prepare your heart and mind more fully to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this Lord’s Day.
Good Night.
Please exit the sanctuary quietly.