February 2, 2025 Bulletin

By grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone

Order of Worship

Preparation for Worship

Prelude and Silent Prayer

Introit ~ “Book of Books, Our People’s Strength”

* Hymn #44 ~ “How Great Thou Art”

Welcome and Announcements

Adoration of God

Call to Worship: Psalm 5:1-3

* Hymn #100 ~ “Holy, Holy, Holy!”

Adult Choir Anthem ~ “Come Forth! Come One! Come All!”

Confession of Sin

* Reading of the Law: 1 John 4:19-21

Assurance of Pardon

Affirmation of Faith: Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q&A’s 1-3

Q. 1. What is the chief purpose for which man is made?

A. 1. The chief purpose for which man is made is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

Q. 2. What rule has God given to direct us how to glorify and enjoy him?

A. 2. The Word of God, which consists of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how to glorify and enjoy him.

Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach?

A. 3. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man.

* Hymn #263 ~ “Lift High the Cross”

Means of Grace

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 53:7-12

New Testament Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Sermon: “Immediate Results” (John 12:27-33)

* Hymn #460 ~ “Amazing Grace!”


Response and Blessing

* Doxology to the tune of “For All the Saints” #358

Praise ye the Lord, His mighty works acclaim:
His years are endless, yet is He the same.
O sing His praise, give glory to His holy name:
Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen.

* Blessing/Benediction

[* indicates to please stand]

Sermon Notes

“Immediate Results” (John 12:27-33)

  1. Introduction
  2. Jesus Predicts His Death
    1. Saved from the wrath of God
    2. Three immediate results
  3. Application
    1. Reviewing the results
    2. Preaching a crucified Jesus


Today: Nursery (Birth through age 3) for children during Sunday School and Worship.

Today: The “Worship Training Room” (across from kitchen) is available for young families (livestream)

Communication from us? Please fill out a Communication Card (on back table)

Tuesday: DECo and Trail Life

Today: We celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Today: Please join the Hamlin Family in celebrating Rich Sr. turning 90 today

Today: “American Heritage Girls” Information Meeting, in WTR, 11:45

Wednesday: BENYO, 6-7:30pm

February 16: “Congregational Meeting,” 11:45-12:45

Save the Date: Bible Day Camp, June 23-26

Reminder: No food or drink in sanctuary

Food Pantry: Available for ERC families in the kitchen

Pastoral Counseling? See Pastor Henry

Next Week’s Sermon Text: John 12:34-36