Order of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Prelude and Silent Prayer
Introit ~ “All People That On Earth Do Dwell”
* Hymn #195 ~ “Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come”
Welcome and Announcements
Adoration of God
Call to Worship: Isaiah 9:1-7
* Hymn #196 ~ “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
Confession of Sin
* Reading of the Law: Matthew 5:3-10
Assurance of Pardon
* Hymn #201 ~ “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
Means of Grace
Sacrament of Baptism
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 50:15-20
New Testament Reading: Romans 8:26-30
Sermon: “Even So!” (John 11:1-16)
* Hymn #194 ~ “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
Response and Blessing
* Doxology to the tune of “For All the Saints” #358
Praise ye the Lord, His mighty works acclaim:
His years are endless, yet is He the same.
O sing His praise, give glory to His holy name:
Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen.
* Blessing/Benediction
[* indicates to please stand]
Sermon Notes
“Even So!” (John 11:1-16)
- Introduction
- The Death of Lazarus
- Carefully selected miracles
- His delays are purposeful
- Application
- The answer to all the “why” questions of life
- Lord over death
Today: Nursery (Birth through age 3) for children during Sunday School and Worship.
Today: The “Worship Training Room” (across from kitchen) is available for young families (livestream)
Communication from us? Please fill out a Communication Card (on back table)
Today: Help decorate the church for Christmas, 12:15pm
Today: Join the Communion Team, once a month commitment, sign up in Fellowship Hal
Tuesday: DECo and Trail Life
Wednesday: BENYO, 6th-12th grade, 6-7:30pm; dinner, singing, lesson
Saturday: Ladies’ Advent Brunch, 9:30-11:30am; please RSVP
Next Sunday: Christmas Concert and Children’s Advent Celebration, 3pm
Luke 2 Challenge: Young and old invited to memorize Luke 2:8-14 and recite together at Children’s Advent Celebration and Christmas Concert; December 8
December 14: Memorial Service, 11am
Reminder: No food or drink in sanctuary
More December Dates: December 14: Church Christmas Party, 5-7pm; HS and adults, please bring hors d’oeuvres and dessert; $15 gift exchange; December 19: “Gingerbread House Night”, 6th-12th grade, 6-8:30pm
Next Week’s Sermon Text: John 11:17-27