Sexual Insanity (Part 2)

What is the greatest issue of our age? I argued last time it’s culture’s war against a biblical understanding of human sexuality. The Bible asserts the image of God in male and female (Genesis 1:27). Where the world’s acronym for gender identity is LGBTQQIA and growing, God’s is simply MF. Male and female is God’s design to communicate His image. Male and female is also God’s design for marriage. And because there is only one Jesus and one church; only the union of the two genders image forth Jesus’ relationship with His bride (Ephesians 5:21-33) making all the other vowels and consonants in the world’s acronym imposters and lies.

There is more to human sexuality then marriage, of course. Because there are two genders, there is built-in distinction. Didn’t our Anatomy and Physiology class convince us of that? However, the differences go beyond biology. This is where the frontline battle has been for some time now. Someone said the Feminist movement has two axioms. The first is that men are jerks and the second is that women need to be more like them. Go figure. A biblical understanding of sexuality, however, acknowledges the complimentary differences between the genders. Culture wants its egalitarianism—it’s sameness. The Christian however rejoices in the differences. Each gender brings its uniqueness to a relationship that embraces the wonder and mystery of their union (Proverbs 30:19).

Men and women are equal before God but distinct in their male and femaleness. There is that which is unique to being male and there is that which is unique to being female. This goes far beyond boys belching in their blues and girls curtsying in their pinks. There is that in a woman that can only satisfy a man; there is that in a man that can only satisfy a woman. It is the beauty of the complimentary relationship that exists between the sexes.

Some would argue they are not interested in being “complimented.” And that is certainly fine; that is everyone’s prerogative. But it’s God’s prerogative to stipulate the sexual rules and He has—no fornication, no adultery, and no sodomy.

So let’s rejoice in God’s male and female distinction; a distinction that is necessary. Made in His image, there is that which is masculine in God found in the male and there is that which is feminine found in the female. Both genders are necessary though God has chosen to present Himself via the male pronoun—Jesus was a man. The problem occurs, though, when gender distinctions are ignored or erased. By doing so, we take away a part of our humanness. And when we do that we also take away a part of our understanding of God.

There is no question; we live in a highly charged sexual culture. It reflects the world’s distorted view of what it means to be human; a view that believes our sexuality defines us. Culture says that if we aren’t satisfied the way we want to be satisfied our life is substandard, even not worth living. The world has become a giant frat-house with the misguided notion that life without sex is no life at all. So from bed to bed we jump; a he with a she, a he with a he, a she with a she, and whatever other combination is to our liking—including with a visual or video of someone we don’t even know.

Our sexuality is too important for it to become our own playground. It is so important God has given us directions. When acknowledged and obeyed there is sanity. Sadly we are teetering on the frat-house becoming an asylum—an insane one.

There is too much to lose here. We must do our part individually (as husbands, wives, parents, and so on) and as the church to stand for truth. We mustn’t lose the greatest issue of our day. And right now we are behind.

Pastor Rich Hamlin

March 26, 2015

1 comment

  1. Thank you, Pastor Rich, for your willingness to take a public stand against the deterioration of our culture. As the traditional nuclear family is the core foundation of any civilization, we get ill when we see the successes of those tearing at the building blocks that support a civil society. It is even more distressing to see so called Christian churches abandoning scripture for the compromising attempt at appeasing the world instead of standing for truth.

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