Jim Howard
My wife Loretta and I were looking for a church that preaches and teaches the whole counsel of God according to sacred Scripture from a reformed perspective and Evangelical Reformed Church fits that description.
I’ve been a Christian for 34 years and became an elder in 2005. I love the Lord and his church. I believe that sacred Scripture is the inerrant, authoritative, infallible Word of God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. I believe I fulfill all the requirements of 1 Timothy 3 and have a desire to serve God and His church in this capacity.
My vision for Evangelical Reformed Church is that God will bless this church with numeric growth but more importantly that the people will have a hunger for God and his word and will grow and mature spiritually. Also that Evangelical Reformed Church will remain faithful in proclaiming the Gospel and the truth of sacred scripture, administering the sacraments in all their integrity and reaching out to our community and the world with the hope of the gospel in Jesus Christ.
My biggest joy in being an elder is serving God’s people at Evangelical Reformed Church and working together with Godly men in leading the congregation in our worship of the one true and living God. Soli Deo Gloria.
Some of the things I enjoy doing are sports and gardening. Loretta and I have three children, James, Jody and Scott.
I can be contacted by phone listed in the church directory. Copies of the directory are available in the church office.